Monday, 26 January 2015

Lens Based image making

Lens Based Image Making

Focus: To cause light rays to converge on or towards a central point. To render an object or image in clear outline of sharp detail by           adjust ones vision or an optical device. 

Auto focus: camera automatically focuses and locks on a part of a scene which it considers to be important 

Manual focus: the photographer physically controls the focus 

AF-S: good for single shots where the subject is stationary
Auto focus struggles to pick up a flat scene that does not have any significant lines or variants in tone

Focal Length

Focal Length: 
Focal length is a measure of the strength of the lens it is measured in MM and gives us a different angle of view, the longer the focal length the narrower angle of view.

A normal standard lens Is 50 MM which is equivalent to human vision whereas a wide angle lens is 18 MM and not so similar to the human, A telephoto lens which is 100 MM and if your going out on safari you will need around a 500 MM lens.

The difference between a "zoom" and a "prime" lens are that a zoom lens you can change the angle of view with multiple focal lengths compared to the prime lens where you have only have one focal length.m