Monday, 8 June 2015

Qualities of Materials and Techniques

Different materials are good for different techniques and visa versa like when I was doing a screen printing, Screen printing is a very versatile technique that can be used on most materials from paper to 100% cotton and most materials in-between but it also comes down to task if you are going down the quick production of of a design or piece in bulk then techniques like Screen Printing and Plate Printing and Digital Production are good for quick production because the outcome will never change if you do it the same every time whereas if you were doing Mono Printing or Pen and Ink they outcomes would vary due to pressure and ink usage and they will not always be the same.

The digital design process is the most consistent route of design but it is a lot more complex because there are so many options and tools to use and confusing interlocking components and there are so many possibilities with digital design you can end up with but you are limited to the amount of materials you can print on or use to different types of paper really but the more traditional techniques have more restrictions on what you can do and end up with like etching its very time consuming and hard on the hands and takes a lot of accuracy and patience but has so many more materials that you can use along the way

But the wonderful thing you can do with all these techniques both Traditional and Non Traditional is combine them together like I have in my work I have designed a graphic image through traditional techniques like sketching and paint and then converted them to a digital design on a computer refined them then converted the final design back to traditional by way of a screen print onto T-Shirts so that process alone used 3 or 4 different techniques and materials proving that if you combine different materials and techniques along a design or creative process you can end up with something that might not have been possible if you had stuck to one technique and material.

Computer health and safety

To be safe in the environment of computer working you need to make sure that you take regular breaks from your work on the computer because you will strain your eyes another way of stopping your eyes from being strained is to make sure that the screen brightness and contrast levels are correct  for the environment of the room, say that it is a brightly lit room make sure that the brightness and contrast are similar to the lighting in that room. Also make sure that the seat is the right height for your eyes to be level with the centre of the screen otherwise if your looking up for too long you might get a stiff neck and have a stretch before you commence work so your legs and arms don't seize up and also become stiff during your work. If there are more than 7 people in the room you are working in, according to new EU regulations you have to wear a High Viz vest so you can be clearly visible in the working environment. (last one obviously not true but the way health and safety is going it won't be long until it is!!)

Historic Poster Research

This Poster campaign was clearly trying to tackle the obvious problem of global warming and the ice caps in 2012, its a very good peice incorporating the visual passage of time using an hour glass as the base of poster and then the ice caps in the top chamber visualising how the water and melted ice is literally filling up the bottom chamber which holds a city. The tag line 'act now before its too late' really stresses the point that it is happening but you can stop it. This poster links to my work because its focus is to get people to think about what there doing and the ice caps melting.

This one is clearly not about global warming, it is clearly a poster about Cyclists and Drivers using the road in harmony. This poster has a different style of presentation to the other two, instead of having a full image in the centre of the poster it has just the important part of it the Wheels of both a car and a bike saying visually that we are more alike than you think with the very effective white on black clearly showing the contrast between the two images.

This poster is also aiming at the large problem of global warming using the smoke from some industrial towers forming into the upper half of a polar bear this also links to my work because I plan incorporate polar bears into my final piece wether its my logo, poster or graphic image and I have already used the polar bear in some of my concept thumbnails. The imagery on the poster is helped by the words to the left the text on a poster is very important it needs to be hard hitting straight to the point or a very effective rhetorical question.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Lens Based Image Making

Lens Based Image Making

Different lenses have different outcomes on the image like some distort it and some dramatically improve the zoom and focal length all the way from Telephoto lenses to Macro lenses so that is where I will start ...
telephoto lens has a long focal length and provides a high level of magnification, allowing you to photograph subjects at a moderate to far distance. They tend to be bigger and heavier than other types of lens, although modern technological advances have made them more compact and easier to handle.

A wide angle lens is one with a short focal length. They provide an angle of view beyond that of a standard lens, allowing them to capture more of the scene in a single shot. Extreme wide angle lenses are known as fisheye lens; these can capture around 180 degrees, making for some intriguing, almost abstract photos.

standard lens is one with a mid-range focal length, typically around 50mm. They have an angle of view which is roughly the same as the angle that the human eye can comfortably view, meaning that they produce images which appear natural to the viewer.

A macro lens is one designed especially for close-up photography. They have a different internal construction from normal lenses which gives them very good sharpness and contrast, meaning that they produce some really eye-catching photos. Macro lenses are useful for photographing any subject at very close range. Typical subjects include insects, animals, and plants.

Presentation Techniques

 Presentation Techniques

There are many different ways in which you can present your work in a gallery. As part of the project, it is important that I display and explore some of the presentation methods.

An example of textile art hung in a gallery

Hanging presentation is a more contemporary way of displaying your work if you have done textile, photography or painting work, obviously if your work is heavy then this is probably not the best way to present your work. This technique would be good if your final piece is a series of works displaying them together like this would look fantastic.

An Easel display is a more traditional way of presenting your work but can still be brought up to date with current times with some interesting lighting or extra display on the easel itself. This is good for anything with a quadrilateral form so a canvas to a wooden board and not so good for textile work or sculpture because the easel was never created to display something like that.

Window mounting is a mix of both traditional and contemporary because it has been around for a long time and still looks as good as it did when it first came onto the scene its a timeless piece of presentation that is great for detailed bits of small work to bring emphasis to the work with the white space around it.