This Poster campaign was clearly trying to tackle the obvious problem of global warming and the ice caps in 2012, its a very good peice incorporating the visual passage of time using an hour glass as the base of poster and then the ice caps in the top chamber visualising how the water and melted ice is literally filling up the bottom chamber which holds a city. The tag line 'act now before its too late' really stresses the point that it is happening but you can stop it. This poster links to my work because its focus is to get people to think about what there doing and the ice caps melting.
This one is clearly not about global warming, it is clearly a poster about Cyclists and Drivers using the road in harmony. This poster has a different style of presentation to the other two, instead of having a full image in the centre of the poster it has just the important part of it the Wheels of both a car and a bike saying visually that we are more alike than you think with the very effective white on black clearly showing the contrast between the two images.
This poster is also aiming at the large problem of global warming using the smoke from some industrial towers forming into the upper half of a polar bear this also links to my work because I plan incorporate polar bears into my final piece wether its my logo, poster or graphic image and I have already used the polar bear in some of my concept thumbnails. The imagery on the poster is helped by the words to the left the text on a poster is very important it needs to be hard hitting straight to the point or a very effective rhetorical question.
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